The Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety’s Final Report recommended that all Australian residential aged care providers use an electronic medication management system to help reduce the number of preventable adverse medication events, and medication prescribing and dispensing errors.

Read more about the annoucement here


Telstra Health eNRMC solution – MedPoint

Telstra Health has completed development of a new module – MedPoint – within our existing Medication Management solution, which has been designed to meet the government’s eNRMC changes in residential aged care and add further improvements to Medication Management.

By using MedPoint:

  • Prescribers can create medication charts electronically – in the facility or remotely – helping to reduce the risks associated with hand-written charts.
  • Pharmacists can view residents’ charts as soon as they are created, which can accelerate the provision of essential medications.
  • Charts are sent to the pharmacy within MedPoint; reducing the burden of administration for facility staff.
  • One resident record across our residential aged care solution to reduce risks associated with duplicate data entry and the potential for missed allergies or medication information.
  • Pharmacy packing software agnostic to ensure facilities have the flexibility to change; with no lock in period.
  • Comprehensive National Aged Care Mandatory Quality Indicator Program (QI Program) reporting, including Polypharmacy, Antipsychotics, and High-Risk Medications.
  • Connecting you with our broader healthcare landscape, with solutions including Medical Director, PowerHealth and FredIT.
  • Your RACS(s) is compliant with all eNRMC government requirements.

To support the adoption of an electronic National Residential Medication Chart (eNRMC) by June 2023, the Department of Health and Australian Digital Health Agency are putting in place an eNRMC Transitional Arrangement which will allow all Residential Aged Care Services (RACSs) to begin adopting and benefiting from eNRMC solutions from 1 July 2022.

Aged Care - Residential care - Mayflower

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eNRMC Adoption Grant Opportunity

To further support RACSs in adopting an eNRMC, the Department of Health has released information about grants available to help cover the cost.

Eligible expenditure items include:

  • purchase of, or subscription to, a Transitional eNRMC Product or eNRMC software modules
  • upgrade or purchase of hardware or infrastructure to enable the use of an eNRMC Product (such as Wi-Fi, computers, digital portable devices, etc.)
  • expenditure related to change management processes (such as wages/salaries incurred for additional hours of training, or developing policies, processes, or training materials), and
  • other expenditure incurred which directly relates to the sourcing, adoption or use of a conformant eNRMC Product.

In instances where an eNRMC has been adopted before a grant is received, grant funds may still be used on eligible activities such as change management processes.



Learn more about MedPoint or speak to our friendly team to find out how Telstra Health’s Medication Management and MedPoint solution could benefit your organisation.

eNRMC Adoption grant opportunity

For more information about the eNRMC Adoption grant opportunity. visit